A training to support integration of the arts into recovery programs

Tier 1: 2 hours In Person experience up to 25 people
Will introduce art as a communicative language, and explore various modalities of art to address challenges, find solutions, explore possibilities, increase self-awareness, on a self- centered, peer driven approach. This tier will introduce artistic tools potentially unfamiliar to participants, offering fresh perspectives for integrating expressive arts into the recovery process, while emphasizing the supportive role of art in the journey of recovery.
1. Introduce participants to the concept of art as a communicative language for addressing challenges connected to recovery and mental health challenges.
2. Participants will Explore diverse art modalities providing participants with new tools to integrate into all recovery meetings.
3. Participants will understand the benefits of incorporating art in recovery meetings.
Tier 2: 4 hours for up to 25 participants (Interactive Museum)
The R2ISE experience creates a space for participants seeking to integrate art into their coaching practices. This four-hour art infused workshop allows participants to engage in the interactive art and recovery process and gain a fresh perspective on incorporating art into recovery meetings. This experience equips them with creative check -in techniques, fosters a deeper understanding of personal recovery, and enables them to share their newfound insights with others in a unique and artistic manner, enhancing their tools to share their lived experiences.
1. Participants will experience the facilitation of art integration into coaching practices.
2. Participants will immerse themselves in the art and recovery process.
3. Participants will experience the valuable elements of art infused recovery to implement into their own recovery processes.
Tier 3: 2 days of training and exploration

Day one 9am-4pm
Creating a safe and brave space / inclusion, collaboration, and innovation
Appreciative art Inquiry/ Taking a survey art modality in the community.
Implementing art processes into an all-recovery meeting
Day Two 9am-4pm
Developing creating processes based on lived experience and recovery principles.
Practice- structure, flow, implementation ART+Recovery=Freedom